134 Responses

  1. Howdy I found your Oak Brook, IL » Building a Real Estate Investment Portfolio 5+ unit Multi-Family Apartment Buildings entry very interesting hence I have added a link on it within our weblog, continue the great efforts:)

  2. Mathieu · C’est ce qui est étrange, il propose une mise à jour alors j’installe la dernière version!J’ai regarder un peu sur des forums, c’est arrivé à d’autres personnes mais je ne trouve pas de solution.J’ai suivi un tutoriel récent pour l’installer, et je n’ai eu aucun problème jusqu’à ce message..

  3. The torque convertor/flex plate bolts are…about .450″ long. thats about 8 or 9 pitches of the 1.0 thread.hope this helpsEricThanks Eric. I am starting to think that the holes on the torque converter are stripped. I’m anxious to get the engine back out and take a look. I’ll be measuring those bolts once I get them out.

  4. Rédigé par : Une phrase, et hop ! Gagné | le 23 février 2009 à 15:44Le fantasme participe toujours d’un refoulé. En l’occurence, délirer sur la Nature en tant que force de vérité, c’est contribuer à nous réexpédier à l’arbitraire de la violence comme seule Loi. Pour le Sacré & le plaisir, je vous laisse (re)lire Georges Bataille.ps: sinon, ‘Struggle for pleasure’ de Soft Verdict est un opus musical assez raffiné pour de la culture punk. Revoyez ‘The belly of an architect’ pour essayer.

  5. Hasn't anyone caught on that the Bushites and the GOP have effectively nationalised the banks already? There's no worry about Obama & the federal government taking over everything – the Republicans, as a consequence of their corruption and incompetence, have done it for him.I would say, regarding Powell, Buckley and Schmidt leaving the Republicans, that it is a clear case of the ships abandoning the rats.

  6. Carol comentou em 11 de novembro de 2011 às 15:47. Júliaaaa tudo bom?! Aiii como adoro todos seus makess… queria te pedi um favorzão.. quando der faz uma maquiagem bem legal pra quem tem olho pequeno 🙂 brigadão!!!

  7. Si la vida me diera un deseo, desearía volver a conocerte…Me gustaría ser caramelo para derretirme en tu boca.Cómo quisiera ser niña para jugar con este muñequito.Me gustaría ser tu pijama para acostarme contigo en la cama.Camina por la sombrita que los bombones se derriten con el sol.

  8. How wonderful!! Another obit reader on our floor!! I used to interview people at the Comptroller’s office for a new employee newsletter in our large division. I always found something interesting with every person. On the other hand, I share your observation that we may be less interesting than previous generations. That’s a great song!!!

  9. I can relate to how that baby feels, looking at his face. I think I have not been masking my anger either, perhaps not to that extent. I am just fed up with annoying people who don’t do their jobs or pay attention, are incosiderate, etc. I find it harder to smile and just chill these days. Could be the heat. Hmmm.Nancy

  10. Thankful for the area in which we live. Nor Cal where within a couple hours we can be at: a mountain, a forest, a cow pasture, climbable giant granite faces, rocky cliffs overlooking wild seas, desert lands with carpets of salt drying in steady sun, beaches of pebbles every size and shape and if we are very lucky one of those treasures presents with a hole thru which a chain fits and it becomes a cherished item.Always thankful for this amazing life sober.

  11. una pequeña aportación, no cuesta nada. Las personas tenemos siempre distintos ánimos al momento de ver estos asuntos, algunos son fastidiosos, otros colaboradores

  12. I think it's definitely true that anyone can be fashionable in the country, I know that I often tend to downgrade a bit when in a rural area. Partly because everyone seems to be more casual, and partly because the weather (particularly when it's nasty) has so much more of an impact. Still, of course you should live and dress where and how you like!

  13. Have you tried Loving Earth yet? Amazing. I am addicted to their chocolate milk one. So worth the cash. Also Organic Collective are amazing, but I guess it depends on how much produce you need a week. I have two little boys and one big boy 🙂 so for us its a pretty cheap way to buy bulk organic produce xNicola recently posted..

  14. I want to post a quick hello and thank you for your print resolution images. I will be using several photos for a book cover I am working on. Keep on the fabulous work!

  15. Hi Amlan,Had a few queries..If a DU student makes 1000 copies of his course pack and sells them at nominal rates (say 25 paise per page)to his friends doing the same course in other universities, will his action come under fair use exception? Is the commercial point even relevant in determining fair use in this case..?Also isn't the purpose factor lopsided in favour of the end user in case of educational material with the presumption being if the reproduction is made or purchased by the student,it has to be use for educational purpose?Even if this is fair use, is this fair?Please clarify..

  16. Dear god, I'm following you for a long time now, but everytime I see your stunning ideas & posts…you simply have the best blog ever & I'm sure I'm far from being the only one with this opinion; from your outfits to DIY's, make up ideas, reports, interior…the first thing I do every morning is I turn my computer on and check out your blog and I get inspired, everyday…Keep on going Ivania, you are amazing!

  17. Hi Margareth they are looking good – watch the macaron FAQ video and at 5:14 you can see the macarons from undermixed through to overmixed – yours look like the undermixed ones- the first ones in the picture no foot and with some cracks. Try as suggested in the video piping some batter, folding some more pipr some more… and you’ll get the hang of it in no time. The exact number of folds required will depend on the way you fold and what you are using to fold it as long as you know what works for you remember that and go with it.

  18. yuli fitriasih mengatakan:assalamu’alaikum…selamat pagi…saya salah satu staff dosen disalah satu AKBID di wilayah Jawa tengah, membaca laman ini saya sangat tertarik dan ingin mengetahui lebih banyak tentang proyek HPEQ tersebut.kepada siapa saya bisa mendapatkan informasi seputar proyek HPEQ tersebut??besar harapan saya untuk mendapatkan balasan segera..atas perkenan dan waktunya saya ucapkan terima kasih…wassalamu’alaikum…

  19. Double, if you don’t need the money for the next five years or so, you have many options beyond the savings account (BTW, FNBOdirect gives 1.0% APY, you can see a 25% increase in your investment return :)). Another option is to pay more towards mortgage if you have a mortgage and don’t subscribe to the theory that one of the following will forcefully snatch your house for no reason: commies, uncle sam, and x-tian jihadists. On the other hand, if that pot of money is basically for expenses in case there is a sudden job loss or two, there aren’t that many options!

  20. Someone / Don’t worry man. This laptop is excellent at gaming. They probably had a model with the Intel HD or ATI 5470 card. The ATI 5650 is a beast of a card and should run almost all games on high detail with an exception of a few (4 or 5 games only).

  21. newera94 26 déc 2011, 15h21 MErci pour l’article ! je me posais justement la question de la revente de mes jeux !!!Perso et malgré les prix de reprise plus élevés à la Fnac je crois que je vais aller chez Micromania. La Fnac des Halles à l’heure du dej trop de monde et je vais perdre un temps fou alors que Micromania il y en a partout et jamais avec trop de monde

  22. Diciamo che con una scritta così, io non mi fiderei! Per chi non è celiaco, ma deve evitare comunque il glutine, è sicuramente un’opportunità. Un celiaco è meglio che eviti…Non è facile garantire la non contaminazione né è facile reperire materie prime garantite senza glutine, quindi apprezzabile la sensibilità dei gestori, ma magari con uno sforzo in più potrebbero essere più efficaci!

  23. Tudhatnád, hogy nincs bajom nekem a növényekkel! Ez meg mégis csak egy napló féle, s arról meg nem tehetek, ha manapság inkább beléjük akadok. Hát kikerülnek ide, fÅ‘leg ha eszembe jut valami – mert ha nem is látszik, azért van mögötte más is. Egyszerűen? Próbáltad már az árvalányhajat röptében, mikor viszi a szél?!

  24. How to get a woman back after a break up?Hi, Ive recently broken up with my woman and feel deep down inside that divorce is not what i want.I dont know how she feels and dont know how to approch the situation maybe im being too stubborn i do admit that. Any answers are greatly appreciated.

  25. Det är bara så himla synd när man ser hur han färdigt har bestämt sig för att han minsann inte tänker delta i det roliga. Trots att man vet att han skulle älska det om han gav det en chans. Han är inte vattenrädd, bara jävligt envis. Och så var jag dessutom tvungen att sabba allt med den där helvetes legogubben. Aaaargggh!

  26. Maybe we ought to be outsourcing education consulting to India. India seems to have done a decent job, on the very slim budgets a very poor country can afford, at maximizing the literacy and academic performance of a huge population that varies widely in intellectual abilities.Thank the ghosts of Crane and Mr. Chaudhuri. H/t to Paul Scott.

  27. 1 timoteo:2:11 La mujer aprenda en silencio, con toda sujeción.12 Porque no permito a la mujer enseñar, ni ejercer dominio sobre el hombre, sino estar en silencio. —1 Corintios 14:34 vuestras mujeres callen en las congregaciones; porque no les es permitido hablar, sino que estén sujetas, como también la ley lo dice. 35 Y si quieren aprender algo, pregunten en casa a sus maridos; porque es indecoroso que una mujer hable en la congregación.

  28. Bonsoir,pour info j’ai réinstallé les pilotes depuis lg mon tel a été reconnu…..ça a marché pour astro réponse 1 succesfull 0 failed mais je ne retrouve rien sur le tel!! avec les autres applis ça ne fonctionne plus juste une fois mais je ne vois rien sur le tel…je jette l’éponge trop compliqué pour moi! 😐

  29. I was just about to ask if they used to serve a veggie sandwich here when I read that they still have it on the menu. Thank goodness because it really is THAT good! October of 2010 I had that grilled veggie sandwich and loved it! That was actually the meal that made me realize that counter service food at WDW can be pretty good.

  30. we are in good shape? What did you expect him to say as White is added to the ever increasing list of 3rd liners. Did you expect him to say a 35 yr old with two bum knees and a repaired surgical shoulder that might be cleared for contact come camp time is a positive move? Granted Frolov is a good move if you consider it not a reclamation project. Same as Kotalik and Jokinen and Higgins and Andropov.

  31. My favorite Comic that I’ve read that Mike have worked on is Superman/Batman, Vol. 2: Supergirl , that I felt in love with his art style. Mike is one of many comic artist that gives me the motivation to draw and keep on drawing to improve as well as helping me breaking away from manga style. I shall remember Michael Turner as a DC Legend. God Speed.

  32. Certes, faire travailler les enfants, surtout dans des conditions déplorables, n’a rien de louable, mais s’ils sont protégés contre, leurs parents n’en auront pas moins besoin d’argent pour survivre et les réseaux de prostitution sont juste là… Tout n’est pas tout blanc ou tout noir.

  33. "Perplexidades fazem parte da vida, e eu gostaria de continuar a ler vossas considerações sobre a realidade que se vive – em Holanda, Portugal, etc. "Preocupe-se com o seu Brasiu. que pelos vistos contra a sua mentalidade tirou milhoes da pobreza em pouco tempo. "Mas, eu adquiro aqui bons dados, fatos para enriquecer argumentos."é porque voce deve ter ca uma instrução vou-lhe dizer. Burrice atrai burrice

  34. “Veikkaan syyn olevan siinä, että kirjoitan helposti tajuttavaa tekstiä.” Heh, veit sanat suustani. Mulla on ollut jo vähän aikaa mielessä kirjoittaa omaan blogiini, että vaikka näistä samoista asioista kirjoittavat niin monet muutkin, niin Kempparia on helpompi lukea kuin useimpia muita samansisältöisiä blogeja. Tuo postaus on ollut työn alla, milloin lie saan sen rustailtua loppuun.. mutta kyllä oli hassua lukea tuo kohta, oli juuri sitä, mitä itsekin meinasin kirjoittaa!!

  35. When Australia changed to the metric system, many if not most cars had mph only speedometers. Nevertheless we coped with the change and there was no rise in the road toll. The change was quick and permanent. All the signs were changed at once, including distance signs, though I believe that there was some dual signage on low bridges for a while. Based on the Australian experience I would advise changing all the road signs at once, including distance markers.

  36. In agreement with Joe and Aaron, which is why I would never recommend an ARM version of the Chromebook. It's *not* nice that Samsung "borrowed" design ideas from Apple, but I'd rather have something that functions rather than looks pretty.

  37. ciao vincenzo,da quando ho scoperto il tuo programma meraviglioso ho scoperto una passione sconfinata al mondo animale sia marino che terrestre e questo grazie a te e ai tuoi viaggi che ogni volta mi fanno viaggiare con la fantasia…cmq la tua esclamazione porca…mi ha fatto sobbalzare dal ridere come del resto sono balzato in piedi dopo che il caimano e l’anaconda hanno spiccato il volo…ehehe…a presto e continua cosi che sei un grande…un saluto al grande amico dei serpenti austin

  38. I adore this outfit today you look gorgeous love the outside shots there fab and so clear give yourself some well earned credit there great 😉 This is one of my favourite outfits for you and i love the boots. You could always wear natural coloured or black tights with it and the shoes. Have a great weekend im off to Bristol tomorrow well im off to Nalisea and Cleavdon for some chairty shopping 😉 Have fun, dee xxx

  39. Glad we’re on the same page, As for the (V), I copied it from someone’s twitter account profile and pasted it into mine. It’s just that simple really. Should be easy to identify vegan posts that way if the symbol is on their blog post somewhere. Perhaps the title of the post? Or where ever they feel best.

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  41. Wie stehen die Dinge? Dazu ein Auszug aus der aktuellen Pressemitteilung von heude: »DORFPUNKS – DER FILM wird derzeit unter der Regie von Lars Jessen oben an der Ostsee an originalen Schauplätzen gedreht – und das mit fast nur unbekannten Darstellern. Laut Rocko haben die Straßencastings erstaunliche Talente aus dem ländlichen Schlägermilieu zutage gefördert.« Ist am Ende doch alles auf einem guten Weg?

  42. There are certainly numerous particulars like that to take into consideration. That may be a nice level to convey up. I provide the ideas above as general inspiration but clearly there are questions like the one you carry up where the most important thing might be working in sincere good faith. I don?t know if best practices have emerged around issues like that, however I’m certain that your job is clearly identified as a fair game. Each girls and boys feel the influence of only a second’s pleasure, for the remainder of their lives.

  43. Luke, you ask way to hard questions for a Friday :-)This is one of those times where I say, I just don't know. Sometimes you've just got to be ok without having all the answers.By the way, I just received the catalog today. Great job! I love how your mom explains her vision for each core- that's my favorite. And, it helps that a picture of my little girl is in the catalog too 🙂

  44. Nagyon örülök, hogy anno rád találtam! Én is sok ezer bejegyzést és olvasót kívánok még!!!Nagyon tetszik ez a szavas történet dolog, úgyhogy én is írok 3 szót:paprikajancsi, kenőolaj, fogkefe

  45. Nope. They are SIGNIFICANTLY wealthier and better educated than White Anglos.Cool! That would be awesome! But before we rush to any conclusions, let's see some third-party data. What about that Stanford study? Do you have a reference for it?

  46. Oh TRU… I used to work for them myself. Don’t be too hard on the cashiers… They like to hire high school students to do back breaking work (everyone has to unload the truck at the end of the night).At the same time, yeah, their corporate policy sucks in general. When I worked in the babies department, we were instructed to throw out the plastic hangers that baby clothes came with even when the customer was purchasing the clothing item. That way, they’d *have* to buy hangers. :pCF recently posted..

  47. Dear Paddy & Jen – its just amazing what a gorgeous family you have. You must be incredible parents. I’m so disappointed I haven’t met either of your gorgeous children yet. Please lets try to coordinate a visit! Miss you loads & congratulations again!

  48. One more thing. Malpractice is a big problem as well. Amen. As a writer in the Atlantic noted, more people die every year from doctors not washing their hands than die in all of the automobile accidents in this country. More than twice as many.Malpractice is a dramatically big problem, and one generally not anywhere near enough appreciated as being as devastating as it is.

  49. on Brutal Stuff, still We would should report that because of the abundance of views it can be been there may very well be desirability meditating about trying to improve spelling plus the english! Created terribly good read though, great stuff.

  50. Oh my! I wish I had known this when I had my babies … With my first, there wasn’t too much pressure, but I put so much pressure on myself to get up and out and about with my 2nd baby.I also spoke with my mum and aunt about this and they TOTALLY agree with your advice …I’m looking forward to sharing this with many pregnant mama’s

  51. Oh how I love guacamole! I was told that the pit in the guacamole is suppose to help prevent it from turning green….and that is shows that it's homemade LOL. Garlic is one thing I've never added to my recipe. I'll have to give that a try.

  52. Whilst I think youtube is providing an inestimable service in fighting against the type of fascism our grandfathers were forced to take on, living in China I think it is shameful how youtube doesn't take on the Chinese fascist regime which has killed more of its own citizens than the Iranians. But then, Chinese aren't Muslims and seem to be able to block youtube whilst creating their own shameless copy (youtubecn) with impunity…

  53. Respected sir, I m glad to see u on KBC again…. I want to ask only one ques dat… How can i registered myself on KBC 6….? Plz help me out!!!!!!

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  55. Lieber Herr Mielert,bitte hören Sie endlich auf ihre Flyer in Briefkästen unbescholtener Bürger zu werfen. Es nervt.Wenn die Unannehmlichkeiten durch die S21 Gegner die Unannehmlichkeiten durch den Umbau des Bahnhofs überwiegen, werde ich mich auf Seite der S21 Befürworter stellen. Dieser Punkt ist bald erreicht.Mit besten Grüßen,ein Stuttgarter Bürger

  56. Come già puntualizzato da altri utenti prima di me, l’accaduto va assolutamente in favore di Facebook, e contro l’utilizzo fesso che alcuni utenti fanno delle nuove potenzialità offerte da un sito del genere.Io lo utilizzo esclusivamente per rintracciare amici perduti, non apro la pagina all’esterno ed anche se lo facessi non l’aggiornerei con contenuto sensibile: gli unici che ci cascano sono i fessi. Giusto così.
