123 Responses

  1. I think I was born in the wrong era- the flapper period really appeals to me! Interesting factoid about bras during that time-glad that changed in the 1930′s! I appreciate the background information since I don’t have much knowledge of this era. It will be helpful to have learned a little more before reading Rags to Rubies!

  2. Gracias por las "semillas" de información que nos ofreces diariamente..nos ayudan a crecer tanto a nivel personal cómo profesional y más en este mundo que no para de sorprendernos. Cuando comentabas de crear una página de empresa pero que no utilizaramos un perfil personal..cómo se hace? gracias

  3. “The U.S. is too isolated, too insular. They don’t translate enough and don’t really participate in the big dialogue”This is extra-funny coming from the Swedes. I found out during the recent “Georgia incident” that neither Sweden nor Finland are members of NATO.

  4. Hi Rachel, I must say, I would love to meet you if you even come to Scotland.I have watched all your videos on xhamster and you never fail to 1. Get me hard and 2. Cum very quickly.I thnk you look stunning with your short hair. Would love to meet up with you.Gary x

  5. Hey this is uncast related, but I got chivarly on sale. I want to play with some of you guys sometime… I’m getting a mic and will be hanging around the sandbox mumble server some. Lets play, ryan/

  6. Yes it does help. Thank you. I read the post again and then realized that you expect DUG to rally close to expiration and that is why you decided to buy the contracts back. This is what happens when I miss my coffee and can’t think straight

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  8. Does free banking still exist today for California residents?I recently had to close my Chase bank account because I couldn’t afford the monthly fees and didn’t qualify to waive them so now I’m looking for another bank, online or physical, that offers a basic checking account that is either fee-free, where there are no ATM withdrawal/deposit fees, or “free” where fees can be waived with regular withdrawals or deposits.Does anyone know of such banks for CA people?

  9. Oh super Jack! Une amie m’avait fait ca le mois dernier. Le gars était super, mais ca cliquait pas de mon côté. Ca reste que ca ferait un bon ami si jamais je le revois. J’espère que ca bien été de ton côté. Ma date va probablement être cuisine a deux plutot que rando… ON hésitait jeudi a ce qu’on allait faire. Ca devrait être vraiment le fun de cuisiner à deux parce qu’on aime aussi cuisner en solo, mais à deux c’Est mieux!

  10. How nice of you, Dorothy, to quote from The Big Burn. I have an older copy of the book, and found it to be a fascinating story with an engaging style. It was my bedside book for a week. It didn't hurt that I wanted to be fire ranger when I was a kid. And I connected to your post because I'ma former horticulturist. Every post is a gem.MJ Wentz (lurker and fan)

  11. I have a close friend who is spending way too much money on drugs from a low life dealer, I want to tell the cops but I am not sure how to go about it. Can anyone give me some advice? As far as I can see, I can either send an anonymous letter to the police, or just go there and talk to a detective about the details. I know where they live.

  12. åj, shitt nå var det lenge siden jeg har vært på bloggen din! og du har forsatt samme haeder (buu.men som jeg digger deg, og jeg har lest bloggen din lenge, en god stund, og alltid digget deg god jul og godt nytt år toroborgen!

  13. Finally, Google’s Webmaster Central has a new feature to let you associate your site with a geographic area. Yet, for whatever reason, Quebec isn’t a valid province there. Weird… At least their local search submission center is in order.

  14. I know labworker has been mentioned previously, but anyone who’s interested in the medical field and is an introvert may want to into radiology. There isn’t much interaction with the patients and your normally work by yourself or with another person.

  15. Prezado Marcelo,essa Declaração de Reserva de Vaga é fornecida pelo Colégio, na qual ele atesta a existência ou não de vaga na série pretendida para 2013. Para estudantes novos, é importante a família dirigir-se até a instituição de ensino de sua preferência, para buscar informações sobre vagas nas turmas pretendidas.

  16. Hi Lee,Thanks for the feedback, I’m glad you have found the post useful.I will try to and include a few more code examples in the rest of the posts in the series, if I get the time I will try and add a few examples into this Input Validation post.Thanks,SN

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  18. [..YouTube..] Perfeito! Um trabalho digno do OverHauling. Se fosse meu, faria somente algumas alterações. – Alguns cromados.Algum detalhe friso lateral pintado, fininho e um tom de cinza claro.Faria o interior com couro de cor bege e com mostradores estilo vintage brancos.Faria a logo TR em alto relevo, (talvez resina) com acabamento cromado.Painel com detalhes em madeira.Fora isto, (que são questões de gosto pessoal). O carro é uma pérola, ou diamante negro rs… Parabéns a equipe pela dedicação

  19. Hmmm ok so most people were just turning in “extra” guns they have? But yet they still keep one at home because they KNOW they’ll need it for personal protection?? Sounds like a paradox to me! Like i been saying…humans have the worst decision making process under emotional herd stress.

  20. bravazoziCsumesz mindenkinek, hello Submarin!Figyi, én rá is kattantam az oldalra, de hamar problémába ütköztem. Egy film sem indul,letölteni frankón lehet, vagy csak én hiszem úgy h online lehetne nézegetni?!a divxplus-os cuccot letöltöttem. Írjatok, segítsetek vagy javítsatok ki ha tévhitben vagyok. béke

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  22. Over the last six or eight months I've been trying to figure out a list of how many different jackets or blazers that she wears, how many different camisoles she wears underneath and how many different pendants. I know it is not germane to her funny newscasts, but as a woman, I notice these things. Perhaps if you know her, or Brent Bozell, you might just ask her. Inquiring minds and all that.

  23. el dominio del host en donde esta cargado el script.Lo he corregido para que utilice el campo $email del remitente.de esta manera, el mail va a utilizar el mail del que completo el formulario como direccion de respuesta. Podés descargarlo nuevamente o editar tu version. El mail se envia directamente desde la pagina a tu direccion de correo, usando la funcion mail de PHP. Un saludo!Alfonso

  24. hi, sreeja vishayam lo adi kevalam caste matrame reason ani nenu anukonu.. meeku telise untundi, chiru valla pedda ammayini uday kiran ki ichi cheddamanukunnadu.. uday brahmin kada.. caste feeling ekkadundi chiru ki…

  25. I love these points, thanks, Trebor! Point #1 hits home, as I’ve been thinking I need to stretch more in this area. Number 4 is especially helpful, too. Even if I’m not stuck, it just helps clear the cobwebs and energize me.

  26. Muhammad Shuja QureshiJanuary 22, 2007Really a nice tool i will defiantly help. Please introduce the option to accept the schema and then generate the data accordingly.Export option should be available for Microsoft SQL Server and ORACLE.

  27. Its all about discipline. If you don’t have that not spending on gift card never gonna help. I give gift cards and get gift cards. most of the gift cards I spend on grocery shopping. If I get a diner gift card I wait for a occasion to give friends a treat to use it.Everything is good and everything’s bad depends only on descipline

  28. I just tried the sandwich but as the base i used the nut cheeze recipe below to hold it all together and lemme tell u YUM! the recipe for the nut cheeze is below (works better if u soak the nuts overnight, and i used a macadamia/cashew mix) then added the bok, tomatoes, pine nutz, and onion! Im gonna make one more so i can make sure i did it right! LOL

  29. Hey, Nerdy fashion has become popular these days! Well, it looks awesome for girls and nerdy style fits emo guys too! I've seen lots of emo boys wearing big black eyeglasses, especially the square frames. When I went to Indianapolis with my sister to find one of the professional optometrists, we saw many trendy big eye glasses.

  30. Wonderful, now PLEASE read your comments regarding the recent changes to the Homepage. Your constant lying about "Listening and taking your feedback very seriously" is getting old, who do you think you're fooling? Youtube…you have always prided yourself on the great community this site enables, but here you've gone and started to erode that community with this blunder…

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  32. 多胎児(双子)を低体重で出産しました。県境に近いところに住んでおり、多胎のため大学病院に転院をすすめられ、6か月で一番通いやすい隣県の大学病院に転院したところ、子宮口がひらきかけているということでそのまま強制入院となりました。しかもベッドの空きが無かったため、近くのの大学病院に搬送されました。緊急時は選べないんですね。下調べがそこでパア。集中治療室のような部屋だったので、一日の入院費用が強制的にウン万円…。しかし、県民なら申請すればタダ、というからくりでした。県外の私は、高額治療費で還付される以外は当然自己負担となります。幸い、保険に3つも入っていたのでなんとかなりましたが、それでもギリギリでした。一時的な自己負担も大きく、綱渡りでしたよ。また、低体重での出産だったため、子供のNICUへ入院しましたが、入院費用は居住地で申請する必要があり、しかもそれが度々…。これも地元ならもっと一時的な自己負担も無くなったりと楽だったようなのですが、出産後に途中で住民票を移動するとなると申請自体が複雑化しそうで、それも心配ですね。かといって県外でも大変そう。割と特別な話ばかりでしたが、搬送される妊婦さんって本当に多いです。緊急事態や想定外なことが起こりうるのが出産です。調べられることは調べて何パターンもシミュレーションを慎重にされると良いと思います。あと、前のコメントにもありましたが、通常の検診の無料券なども行政区域によって枚数も回数も補助額等も全然違うんですよ。申請自体の内容や方法に関しても地域によってバラバラですし、制度は遂次変化していくものと思いますので、情報を具体的に絞ってからベネッセの地域の掲示板などでさらに質問されても良いのではないでしょうか。

  33. When the nappy gets crappy,and you want to stay happy,dont turn to the time-honored tonic and gin,your saving grace is the singapore sling!how poor are my rhyming skills! My wife would love this nappy bag. Thanks, Jack

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  35. Marta en dijo:Buenos días, soy una amante de la música en general y trabajo de ella. Parece mentira que la música clásica siga subida en su pedestal inaccesible y que no sea capaz de bajarse al nivel donde está la mayoría del público. Una herramienta útil serían las redes sociales, ¿por qué los músicos clásicos no las tienen?

  36. "My friend Field Negro, thanks for the run!" WOW! There for a minute I thought Field had done THE RUN in Philly and it hadn't made the evening News or the AP??……………Field, Have you been practicing for that RUN?aloha from Makaiiword virification: whizin

  37. Flipping through your blog. My parents made this all the time when I was a kid. It was my favorite. Their recipe is the same as yours. Its been years and now I cant really eat dairy. I might just have to cheat one day to have it again. Thanks for the memories.

  38. something I was trying to figure out if it was a reference. The movie within a movie “Cinderhella” is also hilarious, a character refers to is as “like, the best movie since Volcano”. I feel like I could watch this 100 more times (and I will) and find something new every time!

  39. Kann ich gerade aus eigener Erfahrung sprechen: ich würde mir das gar nicht erlauben, irgendwie private Dinge zu erledigen während der Arbeitszeit! Ich nerve meine Kollegen, ob sie Arbeit für mich haben und wenn nichts zu tun ist, dann schaue ich mir Unterlagen aus der Berufsschule an. Okaaaay, ich bin auch kein "typischer Azubi", aber ich habe das generell so gehandhabt 😉

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  41. Clopine, la « puissance tridentine » c’est une manière un peu pédante de parler de la « puissance du Concile de Trente »Trente, la ville en latin se dit Tridentum ». C’est tout. C’est de la cuistrerie de ma part….Ce que je voulais dire quant à l’origine révolutionnaire du nazisme, c’est dans l’utilisation des masses non pas en fonction de leur culture mais de leur brutalité, de leur férocité, mise au service d’une idéologie particulièrement ignoble.

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  48. Wah liao! Me Sporean living away fm hm. BUt reading ur blog ah suddenly iremember y i left spore. Funny lah u! At least brighten up my day! Thanks for not sondemning da melayu n muslims. coz me muslim n got many cina frenz too coz my face half cina lah. Kudos!

  49. Hey Josh,Great post. I’ve been introduced to this kind of work via a wide variety of strands. I’m excited to take a class with you one day. Tell us, what avenues did you travel to get to Committed Impulse? I’d love to know!Peace!Kat

  50. hearne does a good joblmao at harley. After glazer, harley the stupisest fuck to post on this website.harley shut your stupid fucking mouth you dumbshit, hearne does a good job…

  51. Exactly. If you go into this novel expecting Steampunk, you'll get just a little. But if you go blindly into it, people may even enjoy much more!@Little Miss Becky: Yes! I agree about Lane, It wasn't until halfways through the book that I realized that HE was the love interest, before that I sometimes hated him XD and at times, I though Ben was the love interest. However, I LOVE Lane and I loved how everything evolved between him and Katherine 🙂

  52. Jeg er ligesom sÃ¥ mange andre en fattig studerende, der ikke lige har rÃ¥d til at gÃ¥ ud og erhverve mig et par lækre hovedtelefoner – sÃ¥ er sÃ¥danne konkurrencer jo for smarte!Jeg bliver hver dag lidt ked af det, nÃ¥r min højre earplug skratter, fordi jeg er sunket til et minimumsniveau og har købt mig nogle billige par af slagsen. Det’ for dumt!SÃ¥ jeg er sikker pÃ¥, at jeg ville komme til at smile (hver dag!), hvis jeg var sÃ¥ heldig at vinde Casette-modellen i sort.

  53. Ja nie wiem, jak mi bocadillo tak smakujÄ… tutaj. w Polsce kanapki traktujÄ™ raczej po macoszemu i nigdy bym ich nie zamówiÅ‚a w knajpie. A tu sÄ… pyszne 🙂 (jak siÄ™ wie, gdzie pójść, bo zdarzyÅ‚o mi siÄ™ w przypadkowym barze dostać tak wysuszonÄ… bagietkÄ™ i z takimi ubogimi skÅ‚adnikami, że aż wstyd). A ciebie BarcelonÄ… chyba kusić nie trzeba 🙂 pozdrawiam

  54. Wow that was unusual. I just wrote an incredibly long comment but after I clicked submit my comment didn’t show up. Grrrr… well I’m not writing all that over again. Anyhow, just wanted to say great blog!

  55. Hi Amaya,Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I have experienced few of these feelings you talk about here. I am reinventing myself too. There are lots of challenges but at the end of the day, I am so happy following my passion. Do I have less material things and money? I sure doDo I have more freedom to make choices and create a new life and future? I do, I love the journey, the discoveries, the encouragement I receive from friends and family, the sense of purpose and most of all living in the present.Best wishes to you!Peace,Nina

  56. “Das heißt aber, dass Finanzminister Nils Schmid in der Pflicht ist, für die Einhaltung des von allen Seiten zugesicherten Kostendeckels zu sorgen.” Nasowas… auf einmal ist der Finanzminister wieder für´s Geld zuständig? Na, lasst das mal lieber nicht den VM hören… der sieht das doch als sein gottgegebene Lebens-Aufgabe an… lol

  57. I’ll gear this review to 2 types of people: current Zune owners who are considering an upgrade, and people trying to decide between a Zune and an iPod. (There are other players worth considering out there, like the Sony Walkman X, but I hope this gives you enough info to make an informed decision of the Zune vs players other than the iPod line as well.)
