156 Responses

  1. Questo fine settimana c’è stato anche il Rally di Sanremo e questa volta il protagonista è finlandese. non ha voluto essere da meno del collega, dev’essere una nuova moda vichinga.Cosa c’è di meglio di uscire di strada e di una di quelle casette di campagna usate per riporvi gli attrezzi ?

  2. This was an extremely shallow look at how financial markets work, the mechanisms that have caused past financial crises and how they link to what is currently going on in world markets. I suggest that anyone who honestly wants to gain a better understanding of whats going on to crack open some economics books. This documentary revealed very little.

  3. no no, thats good unfortunately I spend so much time coaching other people that I rarely get coached myself. Thanks for the advice it is always welcome, I never have any trouble taking advice regardless of their strength

  4. Entièrement d’acord avec Claude Lanzmann. Le roman de Y. Hænel est une monstruosité et une honte à tout point de vue. Honte pour les centaines de milliers d’Américains qui ont perdu la vie pour libérer l’Europe du joug nazi, honte pour blanchir les Polonais de leur antisémitisme viscéral et toujours présent en Pologne même si, Dieu soit loué ! les nouvelles générations semblent s’éloigner de cette bête immonde.

  5. Regarding the whole NCAA Violations matter, I truly think that the NCAA needs to either be more efficient – and thereby more of a martinet – or become more realistic in their evaluations. While I have absolutely no use for the likes of “Cal-the-Lip”, this current Bledsoe thingy is a waste of time, money, and newspaper ink … The NCAA ought to simply follow the olde adage of “Follow the Money” !!! No $$$, no violation … By $$$ I mean the disbursement of anything by anyone (school, booster, or supplier) to anyone associated with the kid !!!Seems pretty simple and realistic to me !!!

  6. arj, I think your comment makes great sense. I take it that we’re in basic agreement. Tom, (sorry got put into the mod queue) thanks for tying this post into your discussion at the fray with you comment. Your argument is a very nice refutation from the empirical point of view, asking whether, in practice, Mormons are any less rational than others in professions that require acute rationality. It’s a relief to hear that reader’s reaction to Weisberg’s piece was so broadly negative.It’s very cool that you got quoted at such length there.

  7. I am usually to running a blog and i actually respect your content. The article has really peaks my interest. I’m going to bookmark your site and maintain checking for brand spanking new information.

  8. Se fosse a filha de voces talves a opinião fosse outra, bando de ipócritas. Aborto legal está previsto no Código Penal Brasileiro Art. 128 . Sou Conselheiro Tutelar com muita honra e não tenho medo nem vegonha de mostrar minha cara e minha vida limpa.

  9. Would you mind if I quote a couple of your blogposts aslong as I provide credit and sources back to your weblog: .com/2012/10/23/post-collapse-investment-crisis-causes-austerity-not-debt/.I’m going to aslo make certain to give you the appropriate anchor text hyperlink using your website title: Post-Collapse Investment Crisis Causes Austerity, Not Debt « The Daily Crowd. Be sure to let me know if this is ok with you. With thanks

  10. Video: Stimulus ‘Jobs Created/Saved’ Numbers Not Updated in 3 Months on Government-Run SiteNote: Steve Moore mentions “recovery.org” but the government-run site is actually “recovery.gov.” However, if you visit that site, indeed, the “jobs created” numbers have not been updated since 10/30/2009.

  11. Dan — I read that also, but if the lesson of 2004 still holds, if someone gets decisive wins in Iowa and New Hampshire that candidate will gain an advantage in the other primaries as well. I think Giuliani’s strategy is an admission of weakness on his part.

  12. “removal of tax deductions for property taxes and mortgage interest”The folks in te south, midwest, and mountain west will be okay with the loss of the property tax deduction as they pay little and it will be seen as scr-ewing Democrstic-majority states. The mortgage interest deduction may be a harder sell, but, it will fly if it is targeted at the “rich,” like those earning $200m+/yr, again targeting the Democrats in the NE and California, and the big cites where Dems tend to congregate.

  13. I love the chairs and light. Not soo keen on the parrots though. The light would be my #1 pick, but totally agree with you about then needing to re-do everything else in the room as well. Always the problem with something beautiful and new in the house.Glad you made it back safe!

  14. Man könnte glauben, du wärst in den südtiroler Dolomiten gewesen. Leider fahren wir im Urlaub immer ans Meer, da wir Berge das ganze Jahr sehen. Wenn man deine Fotos sieht würde es einen schon reizen auch einmal Österreich zu bereisen.

  15. December 8, 2012  12:20 am by KidAgile OK, still stuck! Doh! I think I can read the pcap but not sure what’s it there! I can see all the malformed and bogus frames etc. guessing i’m missing where to start looking closer? any protocol in particular I might want to focus on at this stage. Strange how frustrating activities can be so hugely enjoyable 🙂

  16. Hey John!!!That’s funny!!! It makes me want to say — in my best Nelson voice — “Ha ha!”Hey Sam-I-Am!!!Thanks for the link!!! Aerin corrected this above. It’s good to see these hoaxes getting a shorter shelf-life. Perhaps the Dems learned something from the last election… 😉

  17. Wow, what love you have shown for your children to go through so much to do what you feel is best for them! You have my utmost admiration for your persistence. I’ll remember your story for inspiration when I begin breastfeeding. THANK YOU for sharing!

  18. Youre so cool! I dont suppose Ive read something like this before. So good to seek out someone with some authentic thoughts on this subject. realy thank you for beginning this up. this website is something that’s wanted on the web, somebody with a bit of originality. helpful job for bringing one thing new to the internet!

  19. Was it really that good? You’re the only person I know so far who has sang its praises. Everyone else is being either way too critical, or way too snooty. I can’t wait to see it myself soon. I’ll keep your good review in mind 🙂

  20. Llaman a la puerta de una casa, sale el niño a abrir y su madre le pregunta:- ¿Quién es.Éste contesta:- Papá NoelY su madre le dice :- Pues si no es papá no le abras.Lucrecia Borgia

  21. SRK,Honestly it seems to me that the attorney isn’t representing your interest and that is enough to get your money back. It may take a fight but you should be able to recoup that 450. I would ask for the money back before the inspection though so that it is clear that it is on princple rather than the deal falling through.Move to get another lawyer.

  22. In contrast to the mainstream concepts, I have to disagree with you, as there are simply so many other factors to consider. Well if you are open for link exchange, perhaps we should be in contact with one another, in order that we can construct a better weblog together. What do you suppose?

  23. à°‡ంà°•ో à°šిà°¨్నమాà°Ÿ…ఇన్à°¨ి à°®ాà°Ÿà°²ు à°šెà°ª్à°ªేà°¸ి మళ్à°³ీ à°šిà°¨్à°¨ à°®ాà°Ÿ ఏమిà°Ÿి తల్à°²ీ అనకంà°¡ి…à°’à°• à°ªాà°¯ింà°Ÿు మరచిà°ªోà°¯ా :)అసలు à°¬్à°²ాà°—ుà°¨ి, బజ్à°œుà°¨ి à°•ంà°ªేà°°్ à°šెà°¯్యడం అనవసరం. à°°ెంà°¡ూ à°¦ేà°¨ిà°•à°µే à°­ిà°¨్నమైనవి. బజ్à°œుà°²ో à°°ాà°¸ే à°šిà°¨్నచిà°¨్నవిà°·à°¯ాà°²ు à°¬్à°²ాà°—ుà°²్à°²ో à°°ాà°¸ేà°µి à°•ాà°µు. à°¬్à°²ాà°—ుà°²ో à°°ాà°¸ే à°ªెà°¦్à°¦ à°µిà°·à°¯ాà°²ు బజ్à°œుà°²ో à°šà°°్à°šింà°šేà°µి à°•ాà°µు…à°°ెంà°¡ూ à°¦ేà°¨ిà°•à°µే à°¸ాà°Ÿి.హమ్మయ్à°¯ా à°…à°¨్à°¨ీ à°ªాà°¯ింà°Ÿ్à°²ూ à°šెà°ª్à°ªేà°¸ాà°¨ు 🙂

  24. Si eu eram fan infocat al menestrelul de care vorbiti. Si, chiar m-am fotografiat cu el la Piatra,mi-am cerut scuze ca nu pot sta la concertul de pe 3 iunie, pentru ca plecam a doua zi, dar, in schimb, i-am cerut fluturasi si i-am impartit prin parc. Si chiar am avut o reactie de vechi fan.I-am facut cu manuta,mi-am strigat sotiorul sa vina sa ne faca poza,iar seara, la Eurovision", fredonam Say something".I-am zis ca sunt "gospodina de criza" si s-a speriat, nu stiu de ce… Anonim, sper ca nu esti si tu insarcinata cu el. Dati pace omului.Glumesc. Cori stie!

  25. 1adYou’re exactly right. There are a LOT of options for indie authors to get their books in print–Createspace, Lightning Source, and Lulu come to mind. I believe most booksellers will accept Lightning Source, and libraries can order a book through Createspace. Looking forward to your post about advertising–that’s something that’s always seemed nebulous to me.

  26. Caro Dr. Osmar,Sou eu o Sérgio, são paulino de Maceió – AL! Meu amigo de regra de futebol eu entendo pouco. Acho até vergonhoso torcer e gostar tanto de um esporte e não sabe as regras. Mas essa tua postagem me ensinou algumas coisas que eu nem imaginava conhecer. Abração cara!

  27. Coucou Mathilde, ca fait à peine un mois que j’ai découvert ton blog et je l’adore!! merci beaucoup pour tes petits conseils en parlant de produit miracle, connaiterais tu un bon anti cernes? J’en ai marre d’avoir l’ai fatiguée MERCI beaucoup!

  28. "there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality."Man, that Abraham Lincoln sure was smart. How long before we figure that out?

  29. Yo os juro que intenté ver un capítulo de Hora de Aventuras en Boing… pero al final desistí. Me pareció muy puttën mierden.Para humor absurdo, o HUMOR a secas ya tengo a Bobobó, con su magnífico doblaje al castellano.He dicho.Es que bobobo está a otro nivel xDDDDDDAl nivel de que o puede ser la puta risa o una puta mierda cada capitulo. Sin termino medio.

  30. What an absolutely exciting time for you. I recently was asked to guest blog an article for Joanna Penn’s Creative Penn site. I was doing the Snoopy dance, let me tell you. It is definitely a great feel to have one’s writing acknowledged like that. As for your blog series, I can’t wait. I have never Tweeted/Twittered in my life. In fact, up until three weeks ago, I never Facebooked! I am so in need of education from the ground up, so maybe you can start there? I think there are still people in the world like myself who are finally dipping their toes into the social media space.

  31. Oh I'm missing snow days, even though it was a balmy 80 degrees here last week!I enjoyed The Secret Life of Cee Cee Wilkes… it was a good one!I'm a crockpot junkie. I have a couple of recipes that are similar and nothing on tap for dinner tonight… but we've been doing salsa-type chicken a lot lately… I think my children might protest!

  32. Brodus clay is all I can chat about.it was so unexpected that ii couldn’t stop laughing .I’m glad naomi finally made a showing although I want her as a wrestler.sometimes we forget how good swagger is in the ring but he just boring on the mic.I like kane a lot to but he talking to much and it seems the angle is dragggin

  33. “Verwahr-Marathon” heißt das bei mir. Lästig-lästig (meistens 5 – 6Paar Socken). Aber bei deiner Jacke hat sich die Arbeit voll gelohnt. Die ist ja unglaublich schön, in den Farben und in der Kombination von häkeln und stricken. Das muss ich mir unbedingt merken. lieben Gruß von Friederike

  34. My accountant was entle on me and found lots of little loopholes and things I could claim for that reduced the bill to a very bearable amount, thank heavens!Girls, the shorts are so simple that a sewing machine isn't required!Vixxxx

  35. To Flotsam Jetsome, Not a chance. Soetoro is fighting this to the end. There is no telling as to what extremes Soetoro and co. will go to to suppress the evidence. Nothing is off the table with them when they are considering what to do next. Oh yeah, they're winning and we're losing. To reverse that, we have to come to terms with the thought that only a massive rally, the likes of which the world has never seen, held in Washington can cure this. Times change, people don't. Its no different today then it was thousands of years ago. Man wants to enslave fellow man.

  36. kako estoy contigo, hay malísimas traducciones de libros, hace poco compré y me pasó algo así¡¡ por eso siempre intento ir al original …El falafel es uno de mis platos preferidos, me encanta, y esta opción creo que en casa va a triunfar, mucho más cómodo de tomar para llevar fuera, me encantan la opción de la pasta filo, creo que este finde lo pondré en práctica, se ven deliciosos¡¡.Un besote fuerte

  37. Jennifer,Thank you for your thoughtful insight. I agree with many of your points. I believe that all chronic opioid patient should be educated about the benefits and risks (as should any patients on any chronic medications). Furthermore, all chronic opioid patients (cancer and non-cancer) should be required to sign an opioid treatment agreement that includes educational material, risk strategies, and monitoring requirements. All of this should be taught by the prescribers and taught and reinforced by the dispensing pharmacist. Best of luck to you!

  38. Имам само един въпрос: Казаха ми че има срок до края на септември 2010г.за промяна на статута на земеделска земя? Дали е вярно!? Благодаря

  39. En mi opinión Ortigueira la mejor opción si no tienes mucha pasta y quieres pasártelo bien. Al resto de festivales se les ha subido la fama a la cabeza y, más que vender una entrada, parecen reclamar tu alma.

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  42. Ian has a good idea, and it provides context for some serious schadenfreude as one prepares for sleep at the end of Black Monday. I mean, the Demo was supposed to get elected and then take the blame for the various forms of collapse.Surprise!There’s a problem here of the sort that arrives from the delusion of omnipotence. That old Capitalist Free Market, it must know something, but sometimes speaks waaay out of turn. Timing is everything in politics, or a long way ahead of other things, and the timing just hasn’t worked out for the poor Republicans.

  43. após certos anos finalmente o espírito dos gatos começam a entrar na minha aura alias um pouco esbandalhada de fato eles possuem muita sabedoria intuitiva sobre o que significa “montar guarda” , quando souber mais informo para vocês , um forte abraço.kusumasiri.

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  45. Το συγκεκριμένο χωρίο του Χρυσοστόμου να το δεις μέσα σε όλο το κείμενό του, και όχι σαν τσιτάτο. Αν μη τι άλλο, ο Χρυσόστομος είχε αφιερώσει κάποιες δεκάδες ομιλιών και εκατοντάδες σελίδων στην έρευνα και την ερμηνεία των Γραφών. Το “πίστευε και μη ερεύνα” είναι κάτι σαν το “παντεσπάνι” της Μαρίας Αντουανέτας (δεν ειπώθηκε ποτέ!).

  46. Elsker virkelig den nederdel! Var desværre selv lidt for sent ude da den kom frem og typisk nok er pengene der bare ikke nu til at købe den 🙁 ForstÃ¥r godt du solgte strikken igen, den er virkelig fin, men den ser faktisk lidt stor ud til dig, hvilket er synd for din krop.

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  48. I hate to be patriotic, because it’s just plain chauvinism really; but I’m actually quite proud of the high level of architecture which this shortlist commands. I’ve had the pleasure of visiting the Hepworth which was just beautiful, inside and out; and I got to experience the fantastic lobby of New Court before I was impeded by the security gates and given a stern look to turn around and never come back. Hopefully I’ll never have to visit the Maggie’s centre.

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  50. Just got back from the gym… I just tuned in and it’s Eric freaking Spoelstra and Pat Riley? And they’re talking NOW about how they’re building a new dynasty? WHAT?Where’s my summer league game? What the heck is happening here I feel like I’m taking crazy pills?EDIT: Has Riley always been THIS much of a blowhard, or is it just because this is the first time I’ve heard him speak for more than 30 seconds at a time since the ’80s?

  51. Playing video games does not make anyone fat.My children have been playing for years and they are not, have never been and never will be fat.As a matter of fact, when they are playing with a whole group at home and with others on line, they do not eat for hours and hours.I actually force them to stop at intervals and I prepare good meals to sustain them.Playing these games is a real workout. Touch in cheek, no, really.

  52. The crux of your writing while sounding agreeable initially, did not settle perfectly with me after some time. Someplace within the paragraphs you were able to make me a believer but just for a while. I still have got a problem with your jumps in assumptions and you might do well to fill in all those breaks. When you actually can accomplish that, I will certainly end up being impressed.

  53. Obama will NEVER meet the Constitutional requirements for natural born citizenship.By his own admission his father was not a U.S. citizen at the time of his birth and even if he had been born on the White Lawn on the Fourth of July, he can never meet the criteria of being the child of TWO U.S. citizen parents.It’s time to get over the place of his birth and move on to GETTING this FRAUD OUT OF OFFICE!!


  55. Peter,I love your works very much, particularly the BW ones. I am a lover of BW photography. All of your pictures have specialities: the moment, expression and the mood you create.Thanks a lot for sharing.

  56. men Anna! Klart du ska lägga upp bilder! Jag är intresserad, om inte annat 😀 (en sÃ¥dan där grÃ¥ mus köpte vi till Elvis sist vi var till Ikea, han gillade den 😀 ) vilka fina pÃ¥slakan, var har du köpt dem? Finns de för dubbeltäcke? 😀

  57. nsightful thoughts here. Are you certain this is the best way to look at it though? My experience is that we should pretty much live and let live because what one person thinks just — another person simply doesn’t. People are going to do what they want to do. In the end, they always do. The most we can yearn for is to highlight a few things here and there that hopefully, allows them to make just a little better informed decision. Otherwise, great post. You’re definitely making me think! –Barry

  58. Also ich als Berliner finde Hertha echt unsympathisch und es ist eine Schweinerei, was die Stadt Berlin da an Geld reppuimnt in einen Verein, der alleine zu de4mlich zum witschaften ist. Wie die Verantwortlichen es wagen kf6nnen dann auch noch eine Arroganz an den Tag zu legen die ihres Gleichen sucht ist ffcr mich unverste4ndlich.Der Bericht gefe4llt aber trotzdem und die Bilder sind echt gelungen.

  59. Laura, you’re back in great form, it was worth the wait! I still haven’t decided who to vote for.If I am with someone leaning in for a goodbye kiss I sometimes yell out “hand shake!” but it seems to startle “people.” If they seem offended I give a quick lick on the cheek as compensation. Then I slowly back away, miming the “call me”.

  60. captainvideoblogger"Once these categories fill up with all of your awesome content they'll be searchable on the Videos tab"don't dis the people that created you & try reading the post before posting questions that are answered in the post you are responding to,lol

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