144 Responses

  1. Yawn- another conservative crying to the refs about liberal media bias. Last I checked, the WSJ and Fox News were part of the media. As long as they’re around, complaints like this one aren’t really to be taken seriously. Are the WSJ and Fox News really “coddling and cossetting” Obama? Hardly.


  3. Charles in New Orleans, If you are not already on the forum, join and post your question in the Region 5 area.To add to Jack’s response…if you put stuff on the second floor, remember the roof can be ripped off and rain will destroy the second floor. It’s not an easy answer.Matt (War Eagle Scout)formerly of Chalmette, Metairie, and now in Covington.Current score: 0

  4. the inevitable, we decided that the only way that we would be able to get it done is to set-up a destination wedding.  A Caribbean location mixed with a December vacation provided an opportunity for our guests to

  5. I wanted to follow along and allow you to know how much I valued discovering your website today. I’d personally consider it a great honor to work at my office and be able to operate on the tips discussed on your blog and also get involved in visitors’ responses like this. Should a position involving guest article author become on offer at your end, make sure you let me know.

  6. Hyde got my front teeth knocked out in a hockey game, Plus I threw one of the mouth breathers down the stairs in GHS well worth the two week vacation. I sat home read all of my text books and coasted the rest of the year. I was pretty much left alone after that.Had instant street cred, he was two years older and 50 pounds heavier. I just wanted to be left to my books so I could go to college, everyone obliged once they thought I was some badass.

  7. Alessandra comentou em 12 de abril de 2012 às 10:40. Julia, você lembra qual foi o primeiro pincel que usou nos olhos no Base aliada desta semana? Foi o que você usou pra passar o delinador em gel. Perguntei no outro post, mas não obtive resposta… :/ Eu chutei que é da Contém 1g… será que é isso mesmo? Beijos!

  8. Dear Jocelyn,As always, I loved joining your practice group! It is the favorite moment of my week when I can listen to you at work on your piano!Warm wishes are flowing your way for this season and all year. I’m hoping that you and your family will have lots of laughter and great contentment all ways and always!!Love and a hearty hug!Ann

  9. i agree with richard 1000% this could come back to bite barak not now but year from now geez this is nero politics. please have dr wood back with john hutchinson and group of experts to find out what happenned 10 years ago. my theory we had a war games run amok with someone with a sdi toy and he is still out there very dangerous…richard keep up excellent work…

  10. tengo un lote en el museo de carruaje que pertenece a la comuna de ciudad parque cordoba 12 kilometros de villa gral belgrano el lote tiene 10 x 30 desearia saber el costo de una vivienda de 2 o 3 ambientes y si tengo que comunicarme directamente a ciudad de cordoba si es asi si me envian el correo muchas gracia gisele

  11. I enjoyed the movie. Meryl Streep was just pure awesome.I’m a fan of Julia Child. I met her several years ago, approx 1 and half years before she died… at a book signing. She was gracious enough to pose for a pic with my sister and I. Unforgettable moment.

  12. Hi, I just sent an email regarding my concerns regarding this bangle – #783 Life’s Tapestry Magnetic Bracelet.This is the bangle that I was addressing in my earlier email. I love wearing this bangle and my concern is that at each end of the bangle there are some gaps and it seems that it will come apart.Please let me know where I can send this bangle to be repaired if necessary. My name is Teresa and my telepone # is 416-292-9511.Thank you for your help. Teresa

  13. dear sir i had tried “REG add HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f” to solve the task manager disable problem but the problem is not solved.and REG add “HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System /v DisableRegistryTools /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f ”i use this command to activate the registry editor, but both problem is remain same.please provide the solution for the both problem.thanking you.Rajesh

  14. what do you mean by "smoke"? is it a kind of pollution? from what? town?vulcano? it's weird to listen there could be a cloud of bad "air" all above the spectacular moutains than you describe to us all along this blog!

  15. Salve, ma il nostro caro Presidente Lombardo nella Vostra ultima puntata non aveva detto basta agli spreghi,….. e allora l’ultima consulenza affidata per l’ennesima volta alla stessa persona stamattina per €3.550 al mese alla Regione Sicilia, come risulta dall’articolo pubblicato su Live Sicilia……come si può diversamente qualificare? Qual è l’interesse pubblico”????Dr. Nuzzi Le auguro lunghe e fruttuose inchieste

  16. You do some of the most interesting things Jessica..I would have loved to do this when I was younger..Sorry you got stuck on the tour as a the only people. You would have thought that they person could have worked within that..but I guess not..I don't think you are socially inept..some of us are outgoing and some of us aren't..amazing things to see…Thank you for linking up to Nature Notes this week…Michelle

  17. 7:38 pm, October 3, 2012|So will Rob Zombie go down as having directed one badass flick in The Devil’s Rejects, with a bunch of shit to fill the rest of his resume out???

  18. LOVE your blog! Great balance between everything you post! I’d like to see more recipes! And maybe a few more workouts (because I love your workouts so much!)Keep up the good work, your blog is awesome!!

  19. Det er nokså eksplisitt hva som er agendaen til Eia: Å vise at det er mennesker med makt i Norge som ikke vet at det er viktig å vite noe om biologi. En god del av disse er ikke studenter lenger, som f.eks. Cathrine Egeland.

  20. Like those posts. It’s nice to see someone appreciate the finer things in life. I review movies and other media on my blog and I wanted to pass along a high recommendation for 1932′s “Vampyr.” Don’t bother with the U.S. dubbed version. The movie was originally filmed as a silent. The v/o was added later. I’ve found the best way to watch this is with the volume off.

  21. Hola Lis! Que gusto que fuera del sustazo pues fuera niña Stefany es claro ejemplo que uno de los métodos funciona. Gracias por compartir. Un besote desmadroso.

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  23. NON, JE NE CROIS PAS QU’ON S’EN TAPE DE L’EUROPE.Le projet est sciemment mal vendu par nos politiques parce qu’ils craignent pour leurs destin national.Il y a de quoi concrétiser un meilleur avenir avec les idées et angles de vues de chez nos voisins. Mais quels propositions ont été défendu ! ils sont hors-sujet pour l’Europe et c’est bien dommage.

  24. Yeah, I grew up in the South, and never could figure out why my Yankee friends would cringe at that. My grandmother would also swear “well I’ll be John Brown!” and it took me 20 years to figure out what she was saying and why…

  25. Valeu pessoal, gostei da matéria. Estou fazendo uma trabalho de Produção Gráfica pra facuda e a matéria me ajudou muito. Bem didática, principalmente para aqueles que estão começando a aprofundar no assunto.Parabéns

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  27. John, I think it is important to have opposite sex friendships, but I also think it is really important to have healthy boundaries in those friendships. This conversation didn’t allow me to give me full thoughts on the matter because they article was focused elsewhere.They are important, and avoiding them is dangerous but it is equally as dangerous to have them without boundaries and some form of objective.Evangelicals are not all wrong, more like incomplete in approaching this subject.

  28. Anonymous,Thanks for clarification on Danny’s comment. As a reminder to all commenters. Let’s be respectful and not tacky. I do not want brian’s blog to become like the liberal blog, Knox Views. BTW, feel free to use your name in the future, Anonymous. That takes real courage. Posting Anonymously, when all the world can tell who you are.

  29. Getting a secured credit card is relatively easy. I think you’ll get approved without moving your accounts.I’d advise you to get a credit report to see why you got rejected for a credit card in your current bank. First thing that banks do before giving you credit is check what your credit score is, so that might be where the problem lies. It might that you made a few late payments or even some erroneously reported transaction.

  30. Thanks once again for complete and consistent instructions with pictures that help – I'm going to try this out over the next few days. We had the first snow here today so the wood burning stove will be on more often, which usually means more baking and chutney making 😉 A presto!

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  32. Thank you to all the speakers at yesterday's crimefest.It was very useful to hear so many ideas on how fiction can make a society more psychologically available to its participants."Ireland" got quite a bit of bad press, I felt, but that is probably because I don't look for the trouble that goes on generally in the world.

  33. haha les 2 amorties génie de Doudou, c’est juste du panpan-culcul ; il avait une tête trop vénère juste avant (la tête que nadal fait chaque fois que l’autre marque un point !;-) )Mais Tomic il est juste « wow, je voudrais le faire aussi! »

  34. I wouldn’t trust Dinesh d’Souza about anything. The magazine doesn’t seem to have any other purpose than to dig dirt on anyway to the left of Attila the Hun.That dose not mean that there may be some truth in there, but they are not sources I would like to have to rely on.


  36. Whats up are using WordPress for your site platform? I’m new to the blog world but I’m trying to get started and set up my own. Do you require any html coding knowledge to make your own blog? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  37. i so enjoy these ‘travel’ posts Elizabeth – i’ve never been to NYC except once when we passed thru via the train. your photography is lovely and really captures the feel of the city; am afraid i’d be a nervous nellie in the city though, as i’m not really a fan of crowds, so i’ll enjoy your posts instead . . . although, i’ve always dreamed of seeing MoMA someday!

  38. Caros,Brincar às eleições foi o que fizemos em Março de 2011. Não fiquem duvidas sobre isso. A paz podre só serve aos nossos adversários. Eleições como se viu nada resolvem no nosso clube pois que "tem" que as vencer, acaba por consegui-lo. Tenho pena que não utilizem a mesma táctica com os nossos adversários externos.O nosso clube não precisa de eleições, precisa sim de uma vassoura.Z

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  40. very scary stuff…wake up america..dont be fooled by “excellent” speeches…bravo to those who got the pasport info. ..they must have known it would cost them their jobs…proud of them..they are the real americans…hey connect the dots…wont put hand over heart for flag ceremony…wife proud of america for the first time for supporting her husband…mentorship by an america hater….therefore..issues of his patriotism…issues of his judgement seriously compromised….what is richardson thinking with his endorsement…any one who supports Osama Obama is anti american…

  41. A mí me encanta estar sola, ha de ser porque tengo tan pocas oportunidades para ello, pero lo dudo. Mi mamá odia estar sola, una vez se ofendió muchísimo porque le dije que probablemente es que no le guste su compañía, ya sabrás, me dijo hasta de lo que me hiba a morir.Me gustó mucho tu relato.Saludos 1000.

  42. RE: “i’m ignoring this blowhard…” – annieMY COMMENT: Blowhard? More like a Psycho, I’d say! Norman: “You-you eat like a bird.”Marion Crane: [Looking around at the stuffed birds while eating] “And you’d know, of course.”Norman: “No, not really. Anyway, I hear the expression ‘eats like a bird’ – it-it’s really a …[stammers] …”Norman: “…fals-fals-fals-falsity. Because birds really eat a tremendous lot. But -I-I don’t really know anything about birds. My hobby is stuffing things. You know – taxidermy…”SOURCE –

  43. A stunning card, Bev and love the little banner. Our weather currently is just awful- never saw so much rain. There have been many parts flooded here in NI too though thankfully we have escaped. So sorry for your poor neighbour!AliceH

  44. Alex, io non faccio mistero della mia preferenza per il Mac, ma la baso sui fatti.Tu preferisci criticare e fare polemica senza basarti sui fatti, e così facendo ti squalifichi da solo.Ti invito a documentare le accuse non trascurabili che mi rivolgi, oppure a ritirarle. Il relativo anonimato di Internet non ti autorizza a gettare fango sugli altri.

  45. Bill, Excellent post! Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!Im a finance tutor for MBA students and professionals who need to understand finance. Most of our students have not idea about the basic workings of valuation and how dcf/valuation connects with business operations including strategy, marketing, HR, growth, etc. Some of them report on business too!!Thank you for making this connection!

  46. Michel de Oliveira / Galera, o mundo sempre foi e sempre vair ser violento. Essa historia que “hoje o mundo esta perdido, hoje o mundo esta um caos” é bobeira, isso é pensamento de ignorante que nao ve o contesto social. Parem de ficar procurando o fim do mundo, pois no final pouca coisa vai ajudar.

  47. دوباره سلام.من کارهایی که گفته بودید رو انجام دادم ولی بازم نتیجه نگرفتم.مثل آلتر و تکنو ۴d1 هم فایل steam مخصوص نداره ؟ شاید اشکال از اون باشه.

  48. This is what you get when you elect a person who has no reguard for this country. Enough has happen in these last four years to make you understand what this man is all about, and the people in Washington who work under him. The waste of our resources and the act’s he has commited are impeachable offenses.I just hope the people of this country are smart enough and realize its time for him to depart the White House for ever. Next time you vote think about who your lending the White HOUSE to for four years.

  49. I do the same thing, order to get the free shipping but then hate the wait. lol Especially if one is a pre-order. OMG I love that little Gandalf! I wants one toooooooo! Enjoy your new reads! 🙂

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  56. Ana Claudia,outra grata surpresa em receber sua visita por aqui. Sou fãzoca do seu blog e dos seus projetos!Quanto à moda e as planta também acho que não é algo determinante nem justo – penso que é péssimo pensar em descartar uma planta em vaso ou na terra somente porque ela “saiu de moda”. Mas há mentes e mentes, não é mesmo? A samambaia é outra, que de kitsch virou cult em apenas uma estação…Um beijo![]

  57. It seems that Sammy Wilson has backed off reducing corporation tax until after 2015. I think he and his advisers were influenced by the reasoned arguments that people in the trade union movement have been articulating.Small battle won but we need to win the war

  58. Kaj pomaga, da je recept vegetarijanski, da je zatipk ljubek in videz krasen, če pa … če pa … *hlip* če pa sta na sliki/v receptu tudi česen in čebula … *hlip* (*= moja najljubÅ¡a žalostinka, ker imam z obojim zdravstvene težave in mi tudi najbrž zaradi tega smrdita. Drugače pa zgleda krasen recept (kot že marsikateri pred njim na tem blogu) in seveda obstajajo druga zelišča in dodatki, ki se jih da uporabiti namesto česna, čebule in sorodnikov, ne da? )

  59. En “La venganza del asesino par”, Juan Iturri declara: “soy del Osasuna porque soy navarro”. En realidad un navarro no dice “el Osasuna” o “del Osasuna”, porque no le ponemos artículo; decimos Osasuna a secas. Alguien dirá que es porque osasuna (la salud) ya lleva incorporado el artículo (la a final), pero no es así, porque la gente no lo sabe. Ocurre que siempre se dijo así y vaya usted a saber por qué. Animo a Reyes Calderón a corregir ese detalle en la segunda edición, de manera que el bueno de Iturri resulte más auténtico. Un saludo cordial.

  60. Jaroslav KoÅ¡atka17.8.2012Pozor, ono se najde stále jeÅ¡tÄ› dostatek hlupáků, kteří budou tuto „politickou“ pidistranu volit a bohužel i podporovat…Stále jeÅ¡tÄ› nepÅ™iznali (nebo nechtÄ›jí pÅ™iznat) co je v ní a kolem ní vlastnÄ› za lidi…
